Ok, so I regularly visit the "Domina Palace" in Second Life. A mansion made up of as minimal prims as possible where women rule, and men obey. (Mostly it's a place where women come to go on a powertrip and men come to be completely humiliated, funfunfun!)
Last night I met this guy there, let's call him "W". I won't use his name for his privacy, though I don't think he would mind. He was, like me, a controversy in itself, and I found a lot in his profile that I could relate to and/or with... except his kink for "scissoring". And no, I don't mean cutting paper with 2 blades that are in such a way attached that they can cut through stuff.
So, W walked in, didn't kneel automatically, which is a rule in the Domina Palace: men kneel. Period. Can't help it either. When I kindly make him acquianted with said rule, he kindly obeys, and I invite him at my feet (I'm on the sofa, ofcourse). He joins me and we get talking. About first thing he says is that he notices the muscularity of the legs in my 1st life picture, kinda odd, no? I decide to take it as a compliment, the picture in my 1st life tab of my profile isn't me anyway, plus it seemed to turn him on.. which is a good thing.
We get talking, and when I ask him "what brings you here? are you looking for a relationship? Or just the casual fun?" he replies with "I'm not sure, actually. I think my particular form of "usefulness" is pretty rare, you may not find it interesting."
You get it, my interest is peeked, and I don't have to wait long before he explains: "(I like) Being scissored. Not with the things you cut paper with, (but) the grappling hold."
I'm not sure I understand, so I ask him to explain more and he gives me a picture that shows a woman with her legs wrapped around a man's chest and squeezes, cracking his ribcage... like a scissor. (will see I put it here when I get back into SL, it's down now)
Now that rang some bells. I heard about this before and wanted to know more, here's your chance, Jazzy!
He explains in detail how strong thighs would be able to kill him easily in Real Life by cracking his ribcage and letting broken ribs puncture his lungs, ravaging his insides, and he happily adds "Well, the only caveat I would have would be this: If you break my spine, just continue and kill me. I wouldn't want to be a cripple."
A new chapter is opened: death as a kink. Mr. W. "doesn't have any limit to the pressure on his chest, and would even say 'yes' to an offer to kill him in this manner" In fact, he wrote a short story about a man meeting a Woman over the internet, planning his death like this over years, and the actual deed. In high detail.
So I ask him: "What's your kink in such damage? Is it the fear? The damage itself? The 'living on the edge'? The display of power of the woman?" and he lets me know that "I think it's probably all of those things."
Now, basically we see here again the fantasy of humans to be completely "taken, used, abused and overpowered", much like rape fantasies. Playing with one's life. Revelling in the fear, the pain is secondary. This is not a masochistic trait I think, it has nothing to do with the pain itself, it's purely based on fear, and the surrender to it, willingly placing one's life in the hands of another who decides to do with it whatever he or she wants. W: "Mhm. Being completely at a woman's mercy, life or death totally in her control."
Pretty scary huh? What amazed me most was the fact W. had worked out a complete plan for Real Life how it could and would be done in such a way that it would look like an accident. Who would suspect an unknown man, dressed in hiking shoes and clothing, completely broken, lying at the bottom of a cliff was actually killed by a woman's thighs?
The human mind is a strange place. What I wonder though...
Many fantasies and emotions come from primal drives. Sex, violence, anger, jealousy, the want to be happy etc. But where does this "need" to completely give up and hand over control come from? Is there an instinct for it? Do we, humans, have something alike with lemmings?
Something to ponder over... your thoughts are greatly appreciated!