Okay, you might get a 'wtf!?' feeling from this post but DAMN this grinds my gears!
Lately I have been making a bunch of pictures in Second Life again, including nudes (of course, duh!) and something annoyed me. Endlessly. I hadn't really given it much thought before, but spending the past few days looking at different kinds of boobies and going over the taken pictures made me run into this too much:
Just LOOK at those globes! I mean, literally, it looks like a sphere cut in half and stuck on a body to make look like feminine breasts. What an UTTER failure in representing a female body! The nipples look like something a kid could have pulled out of a candyjar. It may be enjoyable to suck on, if you like sucking on oversized pimples, hoping they'll explode their load of pus in your mouth... I mean, even a baby would know the difference and wouldn't suck on those, afraid it might choke on them.
But that's just the nipples. What worries me most is that it seems to be completely normal to have your boobs look like they've been sewn on, look like a porn-star-blow-up-doll-you-gave-your-worst-friend-on-his-bachelor-party; look like they're just out of surgery. Just think about it: unless you're some kind of boobjob fetishist, you wouldn't want people to see outright you had a boobjob in physical life, right? Blatantly showing you had your breasts 'fixed' says as much as "I am really inconfident about my body actually, but look! I have money to have my body deformed to meet the pornperspective, and now you should all like me more". I can imagine that if you had your breasts lifted or filled up a bit, or even suck a bit out of them, you'd want it still to look natural and 'stealthy' for lack of a better word; you wouldn't want people to notice rightaway you're not completely comfortable in the body that you wore out over time. Why the HELL would you want to look like you had your boobs done in a place where you have complete control over their size, buoyancy and cleavage!?
Come on, be honest. The boobs above look like balloons pasted to a chest that could be any gender, and the trick to it is the shadowline between the two to-be-delicious curves. Due to that overly contrasty and hard shadow those whatever-you-call-em-but-not-boobs stand out like a wart with hair growing out of it on the tip of your nose.
The painful thing is that in the 5 hours I spent last night looking for a new skin to better my boobs, I came across well-counted ONE skinmaker who made 'natural breasts' (it'll never be completely natural, I'll have to live with that), and 17 who don't. I tried over 50 skin demos, only to find the 'boobs had been pasted on' on practically every single one of them.
What the FUCK is wrong with you skinmakers in SL? What's up with this damn trend of making women look like blow-up dolls for the male enjoyment!? I think women conform to the porn-standard in First Life enough already. Must you make it even worse!?
You know... that REALLY grinds my gears.
/runs to the mirror to check out own bewbs. Gala changed their bewb shading on this last go-round, and I do have to admit that the bolt-on effect is a bit more prevalent than before. HOWEVER - Jaz - there are these things called SLIDERS that really help with the whole "up-under-the-chin" phenomenom. Really, You *can* drop them down to a nice (mouthful) size and location. Just push those sliders to the left, baby. You can do it!